
People of the State of New York v. Harvey Weinstein Begins

With cameras and reporters contained in a pen out front of a Manhattan courthouse and more lined up in the hallway outside of the courtroom, and even more packed in the benches inside the courtroom (along with several Weinstein survivors), the trial that sparked the Me Too movement has begun. Day one was uneventful with the judge issuing some pretrial rulings regarding jury selection. The week continued with scores of jurors admitting they could not be fair and impartial and several stating they too had been victims of sexual misconduct. One potential juror even said a friend had a bad encounter with Weinstein in a hotel room (naturally she wasn’t selected).  And, on another day, Harvey Weinstein, a man who despite it all still seems to think the rules do not apply to him was admonished by the judge for using his cell phone in the courtroom.. PROOF was inside that very room and it was more than crystal clear that phones were not to be used at all. 

Jury selection is set to continue for another week–it will not be an easy task but it will get done and then the trial will start in earnest. Though, his lawyers are grabbing at every little opening they see to have the case dismissed or delayed. In fact, when news came out that sexual assault charges were being filed against Weinstein in Los Angeles, they asked that the the New York case be continued because the jury pool was being prejudiced by this new information flooding media platforms. 

Justice James Burke, the judge presiding over the New York case denied the request ruling that the LA charges were “next to meaningless” regarding the New York case. Bottom line continued Burke,  jurors were being selected through a proper jury selection process and Weinstein, like all defendants, was presumed innocent despite news coverage.

Weinstein is facing five counts of felony sex crimes: two counts of predatory sexual assault, criminal sexual act in the third degree, first-degree rape and third-degree rape. He faces life imprisonment should the jury convict him of predatory rape. 

Cardi B Indicted for Strip Club Brawl

It looks like you can take the girl out of Love & Hip Hop, but you can’t take the Love & Hip Hop out of the girl. Cardi B, former Love & Hip Hop star and current hip-hop sensation (she’s even featured in Maroon 5’s mainstream hit Girls Like You) has been arrested and charged with one count of assault and two counts of reckless endangerment after an altercation between her posse and two female bartenders at a New York strip club.

Here’s how the altercation allegedly went down: Cardi B was at a strip club in Queens, NY where her husband, Offset and his group Migos, were performing. According to two bartending sisters at the club, Jade and Baddie G, Cardi B orchestrated an assault on them after hearing that they slept with Offset. Among the things thrown in the assault? Chairs, drinks, and a hookah!


If Cardi B and throwing stuff feels familiar that’s because it is. A few weeks before this strip club incident, Cardi B allegedly attempted to assault rapper, Nicki Minaj, at a New York Fashion Week event by throwing a shoe at her.  Many of us have viewed the footage of that incident and we can see Cardi B lunging at Minaj right before security details move in to break up the fight. Many of us have also seen images of Cardi B leaving the event without a shoe. So . . . Well, in any event, no arrests have been made or charges brought as a result of the Fashion Week incident. Minaj however took to the airwaves soon after denying that she said anything negative about Cardi B and her mothering skills (allegedly that was what prompted the shoe throwing) and described the incident as humiliating.

Though the facts aren’t totally clear, what’s different about the strip club attack from the Fashion Week attack is that the crux of the allegations aren’t that Cardi B threw anything but rather she directed her posse to do so.

Shielded by umbrellas and surrounded by her team, Cardi B (who clearly got dressed up for the event) surrendered at a Queen’s police precinct on Monday, October 1st. The singer will be arraigned on October 29th.



Johnny Manziel Restraining Order Violation | Celeb News | Proof with Jill Stanley

Johnny Manziel Protective Order Sealed!

Whether or not Johnny Manziel violated a protective order because he was in the same Miami club as his ex-girlfriend, Colleen Crowley, will be pretty hard for anyone other than the parties (and law enforcement) to determine because the documents, which are generally matters of public record, are sealed. And, this was not the average protective order.

My sources in Texas tell me that Crowley and Manziel each hired private, high powered lawyers to negotiate the terms of the protective order and then presented an agreed upon Order for the judge to sign–this was no boilerplate agreement. Could have even been a carve out for nightclubs and bars.

If Manziel did violate the Order though and anyone acts upon that violation, he could be charged with a class A misdemeanor the punishment for which includes a fine not to exceed $4,000 and/or not more than a year in jail.

We have an inside scoop on this story, stay tuned for more updates coming soon!

MIscha Barton sex tape | celebrity news

A Small Victory for Mischa Barton in Revenge Porn Case

Victory for Mischa Barton who has received a restraining order against two ex boyfriends, Jon Zacharias and Adam Shaw, two lovely fellows who not only filmed her without her consent or knowledge but also have been shopping around a sex tape of her without her consent or knowledge. The 31-year-old alleges that the tapes were made with hidden cameras.

The court has ordered her ex boyfriends to stay an undisclosed distance away from her and not contact her. The order also stops anyone who is considering trafficking the video.

It has been a rough couple of weeks for the former “O.C.” star. She was recently hospitalized for a mental evaluation and now this “revenge porn” situation.

In an emotional press conference, Barton’s lawyer, Lisa Bloom  (daughter of PROOF favorite and famed civil rights lawyer, Gloria Allred), stated that YouPorn, RedTube and Porn.com were all considering making offers on the video which features the actress in sexually explicit situations with a man she briefly dated.  The tapes have been shopped around for an asking price of $500,000.

Bloom emphasized a specific portion of the court’s ruling: This individual and his agents may not sell, distribute, give away, or show any naked pictures or video of any type of Mischa Barton. The orders are very clear about what happens to violators, whether those are agents shopping the images or the men who took them– failure to obey the court order can result in jail or prison.

We at PROOF are especially inspired by Bloom’s creative and intelligent argument that because Mischa dated the man, release of the tapes is a form of domestic abuse and Mischa is therefore protected by California’s domestic violence laws.

Barton also spoke at the press conference, saying, “This is a painful situation and my absolute worst fear was realised when I learned that someone I loved and trusted was filming my most intimate and private moments, without my consent with hidden cameras.”

We applaud Mischa, Lisa Bloom and the court for taking this situation seriously. And, we know we say this all the time here on PROOF about being a celebrity but really think about Mischa’s words at that press conference and then imagine that someone you loved and trusted betrayed you, used you in this way. Surely fame is not worth that. Stay healthy and keep fighting, Mischa. We, like your lawyer and the court, are on your side!

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