Top Entertainment Lawyer Hollywood

Do You Need an Entertainment Lawyer?

For creative professionals, hiring a top entertainment lawyer Hollywood respects isn’t optional; it’s mandatory. At PROOF we know how some in the entertainment industry, especially newbies, don’t want to “rock the boat” and are just so happy to have received a contract for something that they often just want to sign it without contacting a lawyer or too much inspection. We get that but still cannot impress how bad a decision that is. The importance of hiring a top entertainment lawyer Hollywood types routinely turn cannot be understated.

A top Hollywood entertainment lawyer is invaluable and of service in many situations, including:

  • Contract drafting whether for an actor, a production company, a writer, a director, etc.
  • Investigating/prosecuting/defending copyright violations
  • Protecting intellectual property
  • Pitching work to production companies and networks

Creating and reviewing agreements such as:

  • Nondisclosure
  • Collaboration
  • Licensing
  • Options
  • Employment

Types of Entertainment Lawyers: Not a one size fits all situation

Entertainment lawyers often specialize in particular areas. A top entertainment lawyer Hollywood actors use for negotiating a contract will not likely be the same lawyer one would use for fighting a lawsuit.  When you are looking for a top entertainment lawyer Hollywood needs, be sure the attorney you are speaking with has experience in the area of law appropriate to your needs. Are you looking for someone to negotiate a contract whether for a specific project or for representation? Are you seeking production advice or need assistance with finance, development, or distribution?

Then there is the deal maker, not necessarily a true attorney category (there is no class in law school that teaches ones how to be a deal maker) but definitely a well recognized type of lawyer in the entertainment world. Deal makers are often well versed in many areas of entertainment law but they are especially helpful in—and no big surprise here—possessing  the critical skills and knowledge to get deals done. And that’s what Hollywood is really all about. These top entertainment lawyers Hollywood success stories rely on use their business acumen, legal knowledge, and contacts to help finalize deals in a variety of situations whether it’s for production of a film or securing top talent for a role. They may even help find additional talent for a project, assist with financing, and put together a package in its most sellable form.  Packages assembled by a top entertainment lawyer Hollywood studios respect are very attractive, because they are reliable, save time and eliminate work on the part of the studio.

When Do You Need an Entertainment Lawyer?

While many in the entertainment business have a lawyer on retainer, others wait to hire one until they are presented with their first contract, have to file or defend a lawsuit or when learn that their idea has been stolen. That is perfectly fine though PROOF suggests researching, speaking with colleagues, obtaining recommendations in advance so that you are prepared when the time comes (don’t worry, you won’t be jinxing anything—you’re being smart and prepared). You will find that you will be much more at ease when you know a few of the names of top entertainment lawyers Hollywood players trust.

To repeat our word of warning, we know most creatives have struggled and starved for years before what you see as your big break (believe me, we get it) but please STOP before entering into any agreement or executing any contract no matter how badly you want to sign it. We urge you to please first seek the advice and counsel of a top entertainment lawyer Hollywood has been relying on for years.

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