5 of the Most Expensive Celebrity Divorces in the Past 20 Years

When a couple decides to divorce, the process is typically long and difficult. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 2,221,579 marriages occurred in 2015. Of these marriages, 800,909 ended in divorce. While divorce is not easy for any couple, celebrity couples face special challenges and worldwide criticism. The following is a list of the most expensive celebrity divorces in recent years and how they were resolved.

  • Guy Ritchie and Madonna

When Madonna and Guy Ritchie divorced in 2008, she agreed to pay him a lump sum of $92 million dollars to end the marriage. While Guy Ritchie was worth an estimated $45 million going into the marriage, Madonna was worth far more at $450 million.

  • James Cameron and Linda Hamilton

Titanic creator James Cameron’s marriage to Linda Hamilton came to an end in 1999. After Titanic won 11 Oscars in 1998, their wealth increased significantly. As a result, Linda left the marriage with an estimated $50 million.

  • Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren

Celebrity couple Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren’s split made national headlines after news of Tiger’s infidelity hit the front pages. Their six-year marriage came to a close in 2009, leaving Nordegren with a $110 million dollar divorce settlement.

  • Michael and Juanita Jordan

Michael and Juanita Jordan were married 17 years and had three children. The couple decided to divorce in 2006 and Juanita was awarded $168 million in the process.

  • Mel and Robin Gibson

Mel and Robin Gibson were one of Hollywood’s power couples for many years, but they ended their marriage in 2009 after it was discovered that Mel had fathered a child with another woman. Robin received a final settlement of $425 million when it was all said and done.

Factors to Consider in Divorce Settlements

In most cases, money will become a source of tension between the newly split couple. Financial arrangements more often than not lead to contentious divorces. Additional factors that couples must consider when negotiating a divorce settlement are:

  • The Needs of the Children
  • The Income of Both Spouses
  • The Value of Assets
  • The Value of Each Party’s Pension
  • The Duration of the Marriage
  • The Age of Both Parties
  • The Standard of Living Before the Marriage Breakdown

Some divorces result in mutual acrimony and especially bad behavior by one or both spouses which may result in gossip headlines and even jail time. However, in most cases, these issues do not arise while the parties are negotiating a settlement. One common exception to this rule is when one parent has a drug or alcohol problem that can affect the children involved.

While your divorce may not reach celebrity status, it is important to speak with a lawyer to protect your interests in divorce proceedings.

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