Johnny Manziel Protective Order Sealed!

Whether or not Johnny Manziel violated a protective order because he was in the same Miami club as his ex-girlfriend, Colleen Crowley, will be pretty hard for anyone other than the parties (and law enforcement) to determine because the documents, which are generally matters of public record, are sealed. And, this was not the average protective order.

My sources in Texas tell me that Crowley and Manziel each hired private, high powered lawyers to negotiate the terms of the protective order and then presented an agreed upon Order for the judge to sign–this was no boilerplate agreement. Could have even been a carve out for nightclubs and bars.

If Manziel did violate the Order though and anyone acts upon that violation, he could be charged with a class A misdemeanor the punishment for which includes a fine not to exceed $4,000 and/or not more than a year in jail.

We have an inside scoop on this story, stay tuned for more updates coming soon!

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